
Sunday 15 March 2020

The Great Toilet Paper Hoarding of 2020

He went to the store to get some fresh fruit and milk for his kids lunch. He wasn't ready for what he would encounter.

Dozens of shoppers storming the grocery store, clamoring for, of all things,  ... toilet paper. 

Yes, toilet paper would become the most sought after commodity, here in March 2020, as a global pandemic descended on the world. 

"Toilet paper! Toilet paper!" the zombies moaned, directing their queries at the staff of the store. 

There was none to be had. The stores couldn't stock their shelves fast enough to meet the demand of... Ass-wipe.

He took a picture of the empty shelves where the toilet-paper was supposed to be, shrugged, and proceeded to the produce section for the fresh fruit he came to the store for. 


He picked up a few extra items as well, and went home.

After all, it was a beautiful pre-spring day. Great day to spend with family.